Niz vizij, ki sem jih prejela pred kratkim, se zelo razlikuje od ostalih. So kakor notranja potovanja, kot jih vidi srce človeka. Na videz zmedena in neurejena, a za pazljivega poslušalca zelo kirurško natančna v seciranju namenov in nagnjenj, ki so glovoko v naih srcih. Vizije so rezultat duhovnege impartacije - prenosa, ki sem ga bila deležna po poslušanju pričevanja Eda Sniadeckyja preko spletnega pogovora. Ed ga je podelil na enem od naših mesečnih srečanj voditeljev manjših skupin, ki delujejo v okviru Morningstar Ministries.
Stavek, ki me je zares izstopal, je bil: "MOJE SRCE JE BILO PREPRIČANO." To je najvišji namen, zakaj Božja Beseda prihaja k nam in zakaj bo ostala v nas. Da bodo naša srca povsem PREPRIČANA!
Citiram iz njegove knjige:
»Tistega jutra pred prvim srečanjem sem se me je močno dotaknilo nedeljsko sporočilo Ricka Joynerja. Govoril je o šestih temeljnih Kristusovih doktrinah, ki jih najdemo v pismu Hebrejcem 6,1-3. V nekem trenutku je rekel: »Mislim, da jih je sedem! Prvi in osnovni temelj je Kristus. Nato jih šest stoji na prvi, v Kristusu.« Moje srce je bilo pretreseno. Vprašal sem se: "Ali res vem, kdo je Jezus?" V ponedeljek zjutraj, ko sem bil še zelo pod vtisom, sem v molitvi hotel izvedeti odgovor. Gospod se je prikazal in govoril z menoj. In to se je nadaljevalo nepretrgoma 23 dni."
Citat iz: Ed Sniadecky: A Body Rising, Fort Mill 2022, str. 13
Kar je sledilo, je bilo objavljeno v trilogiji, ki jo lahko naročite na Amazonu:
Ko je pripovedoval svojo zgodbo, se mi je zdelo, kot bi se nadihala svežega gorskega zraka. Alegorični jezik vizij, ki jih je delil, je bil zelo podoben tistemu, ki sem se ga spomnila iz knjig Ricka Joynerja. Niti sanjalo se mi ni, da lahko vsi vstopimo v isto dimenzijo. Ker je Ed duhovni oče, imajo njegove besede moč impartacije istih dimenzij. Sveto pismo (prim. 1 Jan) govori o treh vrstah Božjih ljudi glede na zrelost: to so duhovni otroci, mladeniči in očetje. Duhovne otroke je treba nahraniti, sami še ne morejo, mladeniči so tisti, ki znajo sami sebe nahraniti, so močni, a za druge so kot zelena jabolka, druge spodbujajo, druge znajo usposobiti, toda moči, da bi drugim podelil enako razsežnost življenja v Duhu, še niso razvili. Za to potrebujemo očete. Ko poslušam pastorje in pridigarje, ki se pritožujejo nad nezrelostjo, neposvečenjem, ali stopnjo duhovnosti svojih čred, se samo nasmehnem. Ne pomislijo, ali se tam odraža njihova stopnja zrelosti kot Božjih služabnikov.
Ko sem poslušala Eda, ki mi je kakor oče zadnje leto v stvareh Boga, Sveto Pismo pravi: “Čeprav bi namreč imeli deset tisoč vzgojiteljev v Kristusu, vendar nimate mnogo očetov” (1 Kor 4,15). Duhovni očetje so tisti, ki imajo sposobnost, da rodijo v drugih iste dimenzije Boga in privedejo druge v isti odnos z Bogom, kot ga imajo sami. Ne dajejo le navodil in duhovne hrane kot duhovni učitelji in oskbniki. In ne zapirajo Božjega krajlestva pred drugimi.
Ko sem poslušala njegovo pripovedovanje, sem imela občutek, da me je Gospod ugledal.
“ Zakaj Gospodove oči so uprte v pravične” (1 Pet 3,12)
Gospodove oči so me videle (2 Kr 16,9). Gospod je videl mojo stisko srca. Na svoje veliko presenečenje sem ugotovila, da je zlomjenost, ki sem jo velikokrat občutila v srcu, ni posledica nečesa, kar bi jaz delala narobe, ampak je žalost, ki sem jo občutila zaradi drugih ljudi, ko sem videla, kako se oklepajo ugodja poznanega in ne sprejmejo svobode, ki jim je dana v Jezusu, čeprav vero izpovedujejo in menijo, da Ga poznajo. Ugodje beži pred resnico.
V Knjigi preroka Izaije najdemo odlomek, ki ga prevajalci naslavljajo kot Prerokovo poslanstvo. V njem lahko preberemo, kako se bo maziljenje Boga najprej dotaknilo strtega srca, in ga izpeljalo iz ječe.
“Duh Gospoda Boga je nad menoj,
ker me je Gospod mazilil.
Poslal me je, da oznanim blagovest ubogim,
da povežem strte v srcu,
da okličem jetnikom prostost,
zapornikom osvoboditev,
da oznanim leto Gospodove milosti,
dan maščevanja našega Boga,
da potolažim vse, ki žalujejo,
da se obrnem k žalujočim na Sionu
in jim dam venec namesto pepela,
olje veselja namesto žalovanja,
ogrinjalo za hvalnico namesto potrtega duha.
Imenovali se bodo Hrasti pravičnosti,
Gospodov nasad za njegovo poveličanje.
Pozidali bodo prastare razvaline,
spet bodo vzdignili nekdanje ruševine,
obnovili bodo zapuščena mesta,
ruševine številnih rodov.
Tujci bodo pristopili in pasli vaše črede,
sinovi drugorodcev bodo vaši orači in viničarji.
Vi pa se boste imenovali Gospodovi duhovniki,
imenovali vas bodo služabnike našega Boga” (Iz 61,1-6).
Notranje potovanje po grajskih ječah
Vizijo, ki sledi sem razumela v kotekstu zgornjega odlomka.
Hodila sem po dolgem hodniku, ki se je vil po grajski ječi ljubljanjskega gradu. Videti je bilo, kakor da je spremenjen v galerijo. NA zidu so v višini oči visele lepe slike različnih pokrajin manjšega formata , bile so postavljene nekaj metrov narazen. Za vsako izmed teh slik so se skrivale celice, v vsaki je bival en jetnik. Pogledala sem v sliko svetle pokrajine v zlatem okvirju in videla, da je slika prosojna, pravzaprav kot majhno okno, ki ponuja ali zakriva pogled v notranjščino ječe brez vrat. Odvisno od gledalca, nekatere so prečudovite slike odvrnile od tega, da bi pogledali v notranjščino, ki je pravzaprav predstavljala človeka, ujetega v zaporu lastnega srca.
Celice so bile brez vrat, ljudje so bili zazidani v zidove. Pomislila sem, da morda slike predstavljajo preroštva, ki so jih ti ljudje dobili, preroško dimenzijo svobode, ki bi morala delovati v življenju ljudi, morda mesto, kjer bi morali biti, pa niso nikdar vstopili. Videti je bilo, da so vsi ti ljudje za zidovi kristjani. Pogledala sem v prvo celico na svoji desni in skozi lino zagledala obraz znanega človeka. Poznam ga iz krščanskih srečanj. Sedel je na postelji, videti je bil presenečen, da ga je nekdo uzrl za zidovi. Ko me je zagledal, bi lahko prišel ven, saj ga zidovi niso mogli ustaviti, čutila sem, da lahko stopi čez zidove, a je bilo videti, da si ni želel biti osvobojen, ker sem ga opazila. Odvrnil je pogled k tlom. Začudena sem bila.
Duh me je odpeljal na morsko oblalo, ki se je razprostirala za človekom v ječi. Na obali je bilo nekaj sprehajalcev. Z rokami so kazali na horizont, kjer je velika eksplozija pod morsko gladino dvignila vodo visoko v nebo in kakor da je ukrivila obzorje. Razmišljala sem, kaj to pomeni, a sem v tem zagledala veliko belo križarko, ki je zapuščala pristan. Morje je bilo mirno in nebo kristalno čisto. Galebi so obletavali ladjo in vse je bilo videti idilično. V tem sem se spustila pod morsko gladino, čisto na dno. Ladja je plula čez plitvine. Videla sem, kako je ladja skoraj obdrsavala dno s svojo težo in rila čez mulj. Razumela sem, da je bilo to, kar sem videla pod gladino, delo in trud človeka , ki sem ga pred tem srečala v ječi. Z vsemu močmi se je trudil vzdrževati zunanjo podobo. Podoba ladje na površini je predstavljala njegovo projekcijo uspešnega in lagodnega življenja, ki jo je želel prikazati drugim. Mirno nebo in morje na površini sta bila precej drugačna od motne in plitke vode, ladja je bila izredno velika in visoka nad gladino in zelo plitka pod gladino. Opazila sem tudi, da trup pod vodo ni imel niti ugreza niti oblike, ki bi jo pričakoval pri tako veliki ladji, ampak je imel obliko manjšega čolna. Nesorazmerje velikosti plovila nad in pod vodno gladino je bilo videti kakor da gre za fotomontažo. Pomislila sem, koliko truda je bilo vloženo v vzdrževanje idilične podobe življenjske križarke in se vprašala za kakšno ceno, saj od podobe ni bilo neke silne koristi, duh človeka je bil namreč popolnoma usmerjen v delo pod gladino.
V tem se je človek v ječi silno razjezil, in se spremenil v superjunaka, ki je spominjal na Hulka. Razumela sem, da mu je jeza dala občutek, da je vsemogočen, podoba superjunaka mu je je vlivala zaupanje in uteho. Pogledala sem bolje in videla, da ima pred očmi sliko, kako me davi. Videla sem iztegnjeno roko, ki me je dvignila od tal in stresala kot vrečo. Videla sem še druge nasilne podobe, za katere ni želel, da kdo ve zanje, ker so ga osvobajaje pritiskov ječe. To so bile podobe njegovega srca, bil je zasvojen z njimi, kakor je človek lahko zasvojen s pornografijo, ki je ravno tako podoba nasilja nad človeškim telesom. Bil je zasvojen z njimi, kakor je človek zasvojen z drogo, ki mu nudi kratkočasno olajšanje ali z igrami na srečo, ki mu ponujajo lažen občutek moči. V tistem trenutku me je Sveti Duh odpeljal v preteklost in me spomnil nasilnega dogodka v najstniških letih, ki se mi je prigodil. To je bila podoba tistega dogodka. Povedal mi je, da so podobe, s katerimi se hrani, resnične. A človek v ječi tega ni mogel vedeti kar sam od sebe. Duh iz preteklosti ga je kakor dober “drug dealer” zalagal s podobami nasilja, ki jih je nekdo resnično povzorčil drugemu. Vprašala sem se, kako je to mogoče. Vsakič, ko nekdo stori nasilje nad nekom, je to zmaga za Satana. Ljudje v svojem umu sočloveka zelo zreducirajo, da ga lahko poškodujejo. Ljudje povzročijo zlo in občutijo olajšanje. Če gre za družinsko nasilje, nasilje med vrstniki, … nasilje nad nekom drugim je vedno demonske narave. Zato je občutek moči resničen, ni umišljen. Človek občuti moč, a ni njegova, a ni Božja, je demonska. Umišljene stvari ljudem ne nudijo toliko zadovoljstva kakor resnične. Zato se dolgoročno tudi virtualna resničnost ne bo obnesla.
A obstaja ena sama podoba, ki resnično osvobaja. To je slika Jezusa na križu, razpetega med nebom in zemljo: “Pognal je pred njim kakor mladika, kakor korenina iz suhe zemlje. Ni imel podobe ne lepote, da bi ga želeli gledati, ne zunanjosti, da bi nam ugajal. Zaničevan je bil in zadnji med ljudmi, mož bolečin, izkušen v trpljenju, kakor človek, pred katerim skrivajo obličje, preziran, da ga nismo čislali. On pa je nosil naše trpljenje, si naložil naše bolečine. Mi pa smo ga imeli za udarjenega, od Boga zadetega in mučenega. A zaradi naših grehov je bil ranjen, potrt zaradi naših hudobij. Za naše zveličanje ga je zadela kazen, po njegovih ranah smo ozdraveli” (Iz 53,2b-5).
Spet sem stala na hodniku grajske ječe. Skozi zaporniško lino sem opazila, da človek spet sedi na postelji, utrujen od svojega izpada in gleda v tla. Na majhni okrogli mizi poleg postelje sta stala olje in vino. Razmišljala sem, kaj to pomeni. Kakor v priliki o človeku, ki so ga pretepli razbojniki, in je usmiljeni Samarjan pretepenega človeka oskrbel tako, da je na njegove rane izlil olja in vina, ter ga obvezal, sem zaznala, da je Jezus poskrbel za človeka v ječi, v katero se je sam zaprl, in mu skušal lajšati bolečine od ran, ki si jih je sam zadal. Znašla sem se znotraj ječe in vstopila v srce človeka. Jezus je imel dostop do njegovega srca, saj ga je sprejel. Pomislila sem, da mi Jezus želi nekah pokazati, da si želi, da nekaj vidim. Srce človeka je bilo prazno, pospravljeno. A ko sem šla dlje in sem se spustila v globje predele njegovega srca, sem opazila podzemni vhod in stopnice, ki jih ne bi smelo biti tam. Spustila sem se po njih, a jim ni bilo videti konca, ker so vodile v podzemlje. Velikokrat sem se spraševala, kako se lahko dogaja, da ima nekdo, ki je sprejel Jezusa, v srcu še vedno odprte poti v podzemlje. Spomnila sem se na odlomke iz Svetega pisma:, ki svarijo pred zablodami srca: “Tvoje srce naj ne zaide na njene poti, naj ne zablodi na njene steze. Kajti veliko jih je, ki jih je ranjene zavrgla, številne so vse njene žrtve. V njeni hiši so poti v podzemlje, spuščajo se v smrtne hrame” (Preg 7). In dobila odgovor, da obstaja lahko nekdo …”ki pozablja na zavezo svojega Boga. Kajti njena hiša se pogreza k smrti, njene steze k pokojnim. Nihče, ki hodi k njej, se ne vrne in ne doseže poti v življenje” (Preg 2). In “Zatorej, kakor govori sveti Duh: »Danes, ko začujete glas njegov, ne zakrknite src svojih, kakor v razdražbi ob dnevi izkušnjave v puščavi, kjer so me izkušali očetje vaši s preizkušanjem in gledali dela moja štirideset let. Zato sem se razsrdil nad tem rodom in rekel: Vedno tavajo v srcu; ali oni niso spoznali potov mojih, tako da sem prisegel v jezi svoji: Ne pridejo v pokoj moj!« Glejte, bratje, da ne bode v kom izmed vas hudobnega srca nevere, ki odpade od Boga živega (Heb 3,7-12)”. Otopela vest in otrdelo srce velikokrat pesti ljudji, ki se znajdejo sredi Božjega gibanja in ni nikogar, ki bi jim pomagal. Ljudje jim pomagajo krasiti zidove njihovih ječ z obljubami in preroštvi, ki so kakor umetniške slike neke resničnosti, v katero ne morejo vstopiti brez resnične notranje preobrazbe srca. Za nekatere je soočenje s korupcijo lastnega srca neznosno. V Apostolskih delih srečamo Simona, ki je precej ljudi zaslepil s svojim čaranjem, a se je spreobrnil in sprejel vero.
“Bil pa je neki mož, po imenu Simon, ki je bil poprej v mestu čarodej in je samarijsko ljudstvo begal, trdeč, da je on nekaj vélikega. Poslušalo ga je vse, majhno in veliko, češ: »On je božja moč, ki se imenuje vélika.« Poslušali so ga pa zato, ker jih je dolgo slepil s svojimi čarovnijami. Ko so pa verjeli Filipu, ki je oznanjal evangelij o božjem kraljestvu in o imenu Jezusa Kristusa, so se dajali krstiti možje in žene. Tudi sam Simon je vero sprejel; dal se je krstiti in se je držal Filipa; in ko je videl, da se godé znamenja in veliki čudeži, je strmel. Ko so apostoli v Jeruzalemu slišali, da je Samarija sprejela božjo besedo, so poslali k njim Petra in Janeza. Ta dva sta šla in zanje molila, da bi prejeli Svetega Duha; zakaj na nobenega izmed njih ni bil še prišel, le krščeni so bili v imenu Gospoda Jezusa.Tedaj sta nanje polagala roke in prejemali so Svetega Duha. Ko je pa Simon videl, da se s polaganjem rok po apostolih daje Sveti Duh, jima je prinesel denarja in rekel: »Dajta še meni to oblast, da bo vsak, na kogar položim roke, prejel Svetega Duha.« Peter mu je rekel: »Tvoj denar naj gre s teboj vred v pogubo, ker si mislil, da se božji dar dobi za denar. Nobenega deleža nimaš in nobene pravice do tega, zakaj tvoje srce ni odkrito pred Bogom. Spreobrni se torej od svoje hudobije in prosi Gospoda, da ti morda odpusti namero tvojega srca, kajti vidim te, da si poln grenkega žolča in v vezeh krivičnosti” (Apd 8,9-23).
In kaj beremo? Beremo o človeku, katerega izkušnja spreobrnjenja se na prvi pogled zdi avtentična do te mere, da zavede celo evangelizatorja Filipa. Simon je svoje vedeževalsko dejavnost, ki mu je prinašala veliko prepoznavnost v mestu in verjetno tudi veliko zaslužka, obesil na klin. Pisano je, da je vero sprejel, se krstil, sledil svojemu novemu duhovnemu voditelju, in bil popolnoma prevzet od Božjega delovanja. Dokler ni naletel na apostole. Ko je prišlo do konfrontacije, je Simon svarilo pred posledicami korupcije, ki je vladala v njegovem srcu, odbil. “Simon je odgovoril: »Vidva prosita zame Gospoda, da se mi res ne zgodi kaj takega, kar sta rekla« (Apd 8,24). Velkokrat se bo zgodilo, da bodo ljudje, ki bodo razkrili nagibe srca drugih, okrivljeni za težave in slabo voljo, ki ob tem nastane.
Človek iz vizije, ki jo opisujem, se je zelo razjezil, ko je odkril, da je njegovo pretvarjanje razkrinkano. A se mu Jezus tudi v takem stanju ni odtegnil. Kakdarkoli se je obrnil k Bogu in prosil pomoči, sta mu bila na razpolago Božja tolažba in maziljenje, četudi znotraj zidov, ki si jih je ustvaril.
Še zadnjič sem se sprehodila po grajskem hodniku, in pogledala čez okno, zazdelo se mi je, da kakor da še ni konec. V ječi se je naenkrat pojavil Jezus . Oblečen v preprosta bela oblačila, se je z neizmernio ljubeznijo sklonil k človeku, ki je še vedno sedel na postelji. Človek je popustil in ga spustil v svoje srce. Končno je dopustil, da je Jezus segel v globine njegovega srca, z očmi sem mu sledila, ko se je spustil po stopnicah sredi srca, prav do podzemlja in za vedno zaprl vrata temi. Potem se je vrnil. Človek je bil končno svoboden spon podzemlja, ki se jij je tako zelo sramoval, da je napadel vsakega in vse, kar ki bi mu hoteli pomagati. Kar je pretežko za ljudi, ni nemogoče za Boga. Čakala ga je nova pot, pot na Božjo goro.
“Blagor človeku, čigar moč je v tebi: njim so v srcu pripravljene poti na Sion” (Ps 84,6 - Chraskov prevod)
V tistem trenutku sem se zavedla obrisov drugih ljudi, ki so bivali v grajski ječi, skriti za slikami svojih usod. Eden za drugim, daleč stran vsaksebi, jetniki utvar. Občutek sem imela, da bom uzrla še koga. V naslednji celici je bila zaprta ženska, suhe postave, izredno subtilne narave. Čutila sem, da ima neizmerno velik klic Boga nad svojim življenjem, zdela se je kot Katarina Sienska nove generacije. A je ždela, zaprta v vinskem sodu, znotraj ječe. Videla sem, da ne bo potrebovala dolgo, da pride ven, saj je čakala na pomoč. In že sva se z možem znašla tam pro njej, stala sva na pol v ječi malo v zidu in napol zunaj ter ji pomagala splezati ven iz soda. Šele kasneje sem pomislila, da to v naravnem svetu sploh ni mogoče. Tu se je vizija končala.
As he told his story, I felt as if we were breathing in the fresh mountain air. The allegorical language of the visions that he shared was very similar to the one I remembered from Rick Joyner’s books. I never dreamed we could all enter the same dimension. Because Ed is a spiritual father, his words have the power to impart. The Bible speaks of three kinds of people, they are spiritual children, young men, and fathers. Spiritual children need to be fed, they are not yet able to feed themselves, young men are those who know how to feed themselves, they are strong, but they are like green apples for others, they encourage others, know how to train others, but the power to impart the same dimension of the life in the Spirit to others is not there yet. We need fathers for that. When I listen to pastors and preachers complaining about the level of spirituality of their flocks, I just smile. Is their level of maturity as servants of God being reflected there.
A quote from Ed’s book:
“That morning before the first encounter I was strongly convicted by Rick Joyner’s Sunday message. He talked about the six foundational doctrines of Christ found in Hebrews 6,1-3. Then he said, “I believe there are seven! The first and basic foundation is Christ. Then six fall after Christ.” My heart was convicted. I asked myself, “do I really know who Jesus is?” On Monday morning still convicted, I was about to find out. The Lord showed up and spoke to me. And this continued. For 23 days.”
(Ed Sniadecki: A Body Rising, Fort Mill 2022, p. 13)
The sentence that really stood out for me, was: “MY HEART WAS CONVICTED.” That is the highest purpose of why the Word of God is coming to us, and the reason it will abide in us. May our hearts be convicted!
The purpose of this journey was to see into the unseen, like an arrow piercing through the hearts and light invading a person’s heart. It is a new (for me) dimension of the ministry of inner healing, combined with the eye-opening prophetic sharpness. This was the second vision that I received, and a third followed. The first was very personal and would be very difficult to understand without the following one.
While we were worshipping the Lord, I saw myself walking down a long corridor through the castle dungeon of Ljubljana’s Castle (Ljubljana is the main city of Slovenia). It looked like it had been turned into an art gallery. On the wall, at eye level, hung beautiful paintings of various landscapes of a smaller format, they were placed a few feet apart. Behind each of these paintings were hidden cells, in each of which there was one prisoner. I looked at the picture of the bright landscape in a gold frame and saw that the picture was translucent, actually like a small window offering or obscuring the view of the interior of a dungeon without doors. Depending on the viewer, some were distracted by the beautiful images and never looked inside those walls.
The dungeon represented the reality of people trapped in the prison of their own hearts. The cells were without doors, and people were walled up. I thought that the paintings represented the prophecies that these people got, the prophetic dimension of freedom that should work in people’s lives, and maybe the place where they should be, but they never entered. And the majority of the visitors, in that case, saw just that and marveled at the beautiful paintings. I sensed that is how the majority of Christians look at each other. All these people behind the walls seemed to be Christians, too. But not ordinary ones, all of them had a call of God on their lives for ministry.
I looked at the first cell on my right and saw the face of a man that I knew, he glanced at me through the little window. I knew him from Christian meetings, and I knew he had a call to ministry, too. He was sitting on the bed, looking surprised that someone had seen him behind the walls. When he saw me, he could have come out, as the walls couldn’t stop him, I felt he could step over the walls, but it seemed like he didn’t want to be liberated because I noticed him. He looked away from the ground. I was amazed. I couldn’t understand.
Then the Holy Spirit took me to the seashore, that stretched behind the man in prison. There were a few walkers on the shore. They pointed with their hands to the horizon, where a large explosion below sea level lifted the water high into the sky and seemed to bend the horizon. I wondered what that meant, but in doing so I spotted a beautiful large white cruiser leaving the harbor. The sea was calm and the sky crystal clear. The seagulls flew around the ship and everything looked idyllic. Then I found myself below sea level, and I went down right to the bottom of the sea. When I stood there, I had a clear picture of everything around me and I could breathe easily. The ship sailed across the shallows. I saw the ship almost slipping to the bottom with its weight and digging over the mud. It seemed that the ship is much too heavy and can get stuck at any moment on the dirty sea bottom.
I understood that what I saw below the surface was the work and effort of the man I had previously seen in the prison cell. He did his best to maintain his appearance. The image of the ship on the surface represented his projection of a successful and comfortable life, which he wanted to show to others. The calm sky and sea on the surface were quite different from the murky and shallow water, the ship was extremely large and high above the surface and very small below the surface. I also noticed that the hull underwater had neither the draft nor the shape I would expect for such a large ship, but had the shape of a smaller boat. The disproportion of the size of the vessel above and below the water surface looked as if it was a photomontage. I thought about how much effort had been put into maintaining the idyllic image of a life cruiser and wondered at what cost, as there was no great benefit from the image, as the spirit of the man was completely focused on working below the surface. I saw his spirit as in the dark engine room, covered by sweat and working constantly as a machine.
When I saw this, the man in prison became very angry and turned into a superhero reminiscent of the Hulk. He was mad at me because I discovered his engine room. This was the second chance he had to get out. But he was not ready to surrender his beautiful project, for which he had worked so hard, even if he was aware that is not real. He was somehow happy about becoming angry. He felt alive again.
I understood that the anger made him feel powerful, the image of a superhero infused him with confidence and comfort. When looked again, I was shocked even more. I saw that he had a picture in front of his eyes of him choking me. I saw an outstretched hand lift me off the floor and he was shaking me like a sack. The deeds of the angry superhero were only a projection of his soul on the inner walls of his heart. I saw other violent images that he didn’t want anyone to know about because they freed him from the pressures of prison. These were images of his heart, he was addicted to them. He was addicted to them, just as a man is addicted to drugs that give him short-term relief or to gambling that gives him a false sense of power, or just as a man can be addicted to pornography, the unclean spirit that is also fed by images of violence against the human body.
At that moment, the Holy Spirit took me back in time and reminded me of a violent event that happened to me in my teenage years, I remembered two instances when someone attacked me fiscally and wanted to choke me. I didn't know Jesus at that time. The Holy Spirit was showing me that the images that the man in prison was feeding on are real. But the man in prison could not know this. The man in prison was seeing the images of those events with his mind's eye and thought they are his own imagination. The demon spirit of the past was as acting as his "drug dealer”, supplying him with images of violence that someone really inflicted on another. I wondered how that was possible. Every time someone commits violence against someone, it is a victory for Satan. People in their minds reduce a fellow human being so much that they can hurt him. People cause evil and feel relief. When it comes to domestic violence, peer violence,… violence against someone else are always demonic in nature. Therefore, the feeling of power is real, not imaginary. Man feels the power, but it is not his, but it is not God's, it is demonic. Imaginary things do not give people as much satisfaction as real ones. Therefore, virtual reality will not work in the long run without tapping into some demonic realm.
But, thank God, there is one image that truly liberates every human soul. This is the image of Jesus on the cross stretched out between heaven and earth, and when we gaze upon him, our soul can be liberated from all other idolatrous imagery.
“For He grew up before Him like a tender
And like a root out of the dry ground;
He has no stately form or majesty
That we would look at Him,
Nor an appearance that we would take pleasure in Him.
He was despised and abandoned by men,
And like one from whom people hide their faces,
He was despised, and we had no regard for Him.
However, it was our sicknesses that He Himself bore,
And our pains that He carried;
Yet we ourselves assumed that He had been afflicted,
Struck down by God, and humiliated.
But He was pierced for our offenses,
He was crushed for our wrongdoings;
The punishment for our well-being was laid upon Him,
And by His wounds, we are healed”
(Isaiah 53: 2-5).
I stood in the hallway of the castle dungeon again. I went to the first cell again and looked through the prison line because I felt only compassion for the man in prison. I was not giving up on him, because Jesus was not giving up on him.
I noticed the man sitting on the bed again, tired from his outburst, he was staring at the ground. Two bottles stood on a small round table next to the bed, one was full of wine and the other was full of oil. I wondered what that meant. As in the parable of the man who was beaten by the robbers, and the merciful Samaritan cared for the beaten man by pouring oil and wine on his wounds, and took care of his wounds, I perceived how Jesus cared for the man, even in the dungeon in which he was imprisoned. No matter how the man shut himself off, Jesus tried to relieve him of the pain of the wounds he had inflicted on himself. He made that provision of oil and wine, symbols of the Holy Spirit, to relieve him from his self-afflicted pain.
Then I found myself inside the dungeon and I entered the heart of the man. It looked like a veiled space in the center of his soul. Only Jesus had access to his heart as he accepted HIm. I thought Jesus wanted to reveal to me something really important if He took me so deep into the secret places. The man's heart was empty, tidy. But as I went further and descended into the deeper parts of his heart, I noticed an underground entrance and stairs that shouldn’t be there. I descend for a while, but I didn't see the end of it and realized they lead to the underworld, to the chambers of death. So I decided to turn back. It was no point in going all the way down.
I have often wondered how it can happen that someone who has accepted Jesus still has open paths to the underworld in his heart. And then I was reminded of passages from the Bible that warn against the delusions of the heart, that can lead us into the chambers of death:
“Her house is the way to Sheol,
Descending to the chambers of death. ”
(Prov 7:24-27).
"(She) forgets the covenant of her God;
For her house sinks down to death,
And her tracks lead to the dead;"
(Prov 2:18).
And” Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit says,
“Today if you hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts as when they provoked Me,
As in the day of trial in the wilderness,
Where your fathers tried Me by testing Me,
And saw My works for forty years.
Therefore I was angry with this generation,
And said, ‘They always go astray in their heart,
And they did not know My ways;
As I swore in My wrath,
‘They shall not enter My rest.’ ”
(Heb 3:7-11).
The constant absence of peace is a good indicator, that someone is plagued by inner struggling. In the midst of the fresh move of God, you will always find people with dull consciences and hardened hearts. Because they have not been through the process, and everybody is taking their inner state for granted, they find themselves in the midst of God’s movement and there is no one to help them. People help them adorn the walls of their prisons with promises and prophecies that are like artistic images of a reality they cannot enter without a true inner transformation of the heart. For some, facing corruption of their own heart is unbearable. In the Acts of the Apostles, we meet Simon, we can call him a new ager with great influence, but after hearing the gospel he converted and accepted the faith.
“But there was a certain man called Simon, who previously practiced sorcery in the city and astonished the people of Samaria, claiming that he was someone great, to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, “This man is the great power of God.” And they heeded him because he had astonished them with his sorceries for a long time. But when they believed Philip as he preached the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized. Then Simon himself also believed; and when he was baptized he continued with Philip, and was amazed, seeing the miracles and signs which were done.
Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit. For las yet He had fallen upon none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying, “Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”
But Peter said to him, “Your money perish with you because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money! You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.”
(Acts 8: 9-23).
So, what do we see here? We read of a man whose experience of conversion seems authentic at first glance to the point of convincing even the evangelist Philip. Simon hung his fortune-telling activity, which brought him a lot of recognition in the city and probably also a lot of earnings, on a peg. It is written that he accepted the faith, was baptized, followed his new spiritual leader, and was completely taken over by God’s power in a demonstration. Until he came across the apostles. When the confrontation broke out, Simon rejected the warning against the consequences of corruption that reigned in his heart. He didn’t want to get involved in the inner transformation. He thought it was just something the apostles were into.
“But Simon answered and said, “Pray to the Lord for me yourselves, so that nothing of what you have said may come upon me." (Acts 8:24).
It will often happen that people who reveal the inclinations of the hearts of others will be blamed for the problems and bad moods that arise.
The man from the vision I am describing was very angry when he discovered that his real inner state had been somehow exposed. But even in this situation, Jesus did not withdraw from him. Whenever he turned to God and asked for help, God's consolation and anointing were available to him, even within the walls he had created.
One last time I walked down the castle hallway and looked through the small window, it seemed to me that it was not over. This has to be a story of redemption.
Jesus suddenly appeared in the prison cell. Dressed in simple white clothes, he bowed with immeasurable love to the man who was still sitting on the bed. The man relented and let Him into his heart. He finally allowed Jesus to reach into the depths of his heart, I followed Him with my eyes as He descended the stairs in the middle of his heart, right to the underworld, and I saw Him closing the gates of darkness forever. I saw the keys in His hands. Then He came back, looked at me, and disappeared.
The man was finally free from the shackle of the underworld, of which he was so ashamed that he attacked anyone and everything who would want to help him. What is too difficult for people is not impossible for God. A new path awaited him, the hidden way to God's mountain. His heart was the way.
"How blessed is the man whose strength is in You, In whose heart are the highways to Zion!" (Ps 84: 5). This Scripture was fulfilled again.
He finally came out of that prison. I was relieved, but also sad. What could only take him a moment took years for him to understand and accept. But love eventually won him over because of patience and forgiveness. Our God is patient, slow to anger with wandering hearts. His mercies never end.
I became aware of the silhouettes of other people behind the thick walls in the castle dungeon, hidden behind pictures of their prophetic destinies. One by one, far away from each other, the prisoners were captive, some by illusions, some by hopelessness, and some by other barriers. I had a feeling I was going to free someone else that day. I looked into the next prison cell, and I saw a woman, she was slender and of a subtle soul. I felt she had an immensely great call from God over her life, she seemed like Catherine of Siena of a new generation. But she was stuck in the barn, locked in a wine barrel, inside the dungeon. I perceived that it would not take long for her to come out as she waited for help.
She saw us before we saw her. As soon as she noticed someone was out there from the limited view allowed to her by the prison window, her visual ability increased supernaturally and she was also able to look through the brick walls, too. At that moment my husband appeared at my side and we decided to help her, we stood half in the dungeon and in the wall and half outside in the corridor and helped her climb out of the barrel and then through the wall. It was only later that I realized this was not possible at all from a natural viewpoint. You can’t stand before the wall in the wall and behind the wall at the same time. And I could not conclude what was before and what was after. It was done before it happened. I believe she had the spirit of faith which made the time frame of what happened before and what happened after, very difficult to understand and explain.
Faith is calling things that are not, as they are, the Scripture tells us: “God … calls into being things that were not” (Rom 4,17b). And “God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are” (1 Cor 1:28).
It took her thirty seconds, maybe, and she was out, totally free, she threw her hands in the air to praise God and dance.
This is where the vision ended.