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Welcome to my personal page! 


the Path
of Life


This page was initially created to publish the prophecies and visions that I have received. And there was a need in my spirit to provide also a grounding moment, it needed a body,  a structure, a skeleton, and the context of the eternal and unchanging Word of God.
Indeed, prophecy is very subjective, its language is sometimes elusive and it is always necessary to judge it. Sometimes it directly intervenes in the affairs of man, and sometimes it alludes to a world that is much bigger than us. The more I got to know the language of images and dreams, the more I wanted to put these messages into a practical life setting.
I felt the need to leave a familiar religious envoirment for an unpretentious and simple devotion to God.  I  no longer wanted to hide my relationship with God. And I took a huge step into uncharted waters.
So now I am learning to navigate between the spontaneous prophetic flow of the Spirit and the eternal and unchanging truth of God. With my small contribution, I join many others on this journey.

Because the little path we take, becomes the road,
and the new land we discover, 
becomes our home.

I hope you will join me on this journey to know the triune God more intimately and passionately,   but also soberly and discerningly.

Website versions and published content vary considerably. The English version contains more prophetic texts, while the Slovenian version contains more testimonies. If you want to see what is on the other side, you have to switch languages. The Italian and Russian versions are auto-translated.

I remember how I laughed years ago when I saw the title"Call me crazy, but I hear the voice of God" a book by Kim Clement,  sometimes what God says will not make sense to our natural minds, but we will go there anyway because He said so. He led Israel through the sea, and He walked on water, and from the natural standpoint, we do not consider that very smart and we weigh whether what we perceive as the voice of God is complete madness or  means we are walking by faith.


How can we be sure that we are really hearing God's voice?

Because there is no certainty in the mind - there is always a what if? Believe it or not, our mind does not find out the truth, but it makes our beliefs more bearable. We create our beliefs based on what we consider to be fact. God is the creator of the heavens and the earth, and He created all things by His word. The Bible describes this as a fact, the substance of things not seen. And this is FAITH.


"But faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the assurance of things not seen"
(Heb 11:1).

The same Word wants to come and live in us. He is the Living Word,  and I believe is nearly impossible not to hear His voice.  But we have to let go of some of our stiffness if we want to welcome His voice. Because HIs voice is like many rivers and will always carry you somewhere, you have never been before. 

 I welcome you to share some of this wonderful craziness with me. 


Most of the published articles are prophetic in nature. Also, I try to keep a spontaneous flow with the prophetic writings, and other reflections require a more systematic approach, I will post them soon.


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